How Much Does A Refrigerator Weigh

How much does a refrigerator weigh

How much does a refrigerator weigh? Refrigerator weights vary based on size, type, and features, generally ranging from 200 to 350 pounds (91 to 159 kg). Larger models, like a standard full-size refrigerator measuring 70x36x30 inches, typically weigh around 200 to 350 pounds, with some reaching 300-400 pounds (136-181 Kg).

Refrigerators come in many sizes, looks, and designs, and each of these things adds to their total weight. From small refrigerators that fit well in little kitchens to big two-door types with smart features, the size of a refrigerator can be very different. When moving or setting up a refrigerator, it’s key to know how much does a refrigerator weigh. This way, you can do what’s needed for safety reasons. 

Before we start, it’s important to know that not all refrigerators have the same weight. Let’s go into detail: How much does a refrigerator weigh.

Table Of Contents:

  • Why is knowing the weight of a refrigerator important?
  • How to weigh a refrigerator.
  • How much does a refrigerator weigh, according to types
  • Factors that can affect the weight of a refrigerator:
  • Conclusion:
  • FAQ’s:

Why is knowing the weight of a refrigerator important?

Delivery and Installation:

Determining the weight aids in planning and executing the delivery and installation processes efficiently. It allows delivery personnel to come prepared with the necessary equipment and ensures a smoother installation experience.

Structural Considerations:

The heaviness of a refrigerator can impact how strong the place is where it will sit. Knowing how heavy it is, it is important to check if the floor or place where the refrigerator will be put can hold up the weight well enough. This stops possible problems with the structure or harm to the floor.

Preventing Damage:

Moving a refrigerator means picking it up, moving it around, and possibly going through doors and small areas. Knowing the weight is very important to stop harm to the refrigerator itself and any nearby places. Enough safety steps can be done when moving things to stop them from getting marks, bumps, or any other kind of harm.

How to weigh a refrigerator

After how much does a refrigerator weigh, we move towards how to weigh a refrigerator correctly. Weighing a refrigerator precisely requires sophisticated equipment and might be difficult due to the size and weight of the refrigerator. If you need to weigh a refrigerator, follow these steps:

Materials Required:

– A heavy-duty industrial scale: A large, durable scale capable of supporting the weight of the refrigerator is required.

– A level surface: To get an accurate measurement, ensure the surface is flat and even.

– Assistance from others: Moving and situating a refrigerator can be difficult and may necessitate the assistance of others.


Prepare the Scale:

Place the industrial scale on a flat place where you will weigh the refrigerator.

Clear the Refrigerator:

Take everything out of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Also, make sure the refrigerator is unplugged from the power source. You might be wondering about proper clearance, for this read our article on how to clean refrigerator.

-Place the Refrigerator:

Place the refrigerator carefully on the industrial scale. Refrigerators may be heavy and tough to move, so use a dolly or furniture sliders to assist with this operation.

-Ensure Stability:

Check that the refrigerator is steady and that the scale is level. To ensure that it is sitting squarely, use a bubble level or a comparable tool.

-Read the Weight:

Once the refrigerator has been safely placed on the scale and is not moving or wobbling, read the weight.

-Record the Weight:

Write down or document the weight measurement for your records or any other purposes that may arise.

Remove the Refrigerator:

Carefully remove the refrigerator from the scale, taking care not to damage the floor or the appliance.

Please keep in mind that this process can be physically difficult and may necessitate the participation of numerous individuals, especially for big refrigerators

How much does a refrigerator weigh, according to types;

Type of RefrigeratorDescriptionWeight Range
Compact or Mini RefrigeratorSmaller refrigerators suitable for limited spaces, such as dorm rooms or offices.35 to 70 pounds(15to 31 kilograms)
Top-Freezer RefrigeratorTraditional design with the freezer compartment at the top. Common in households for its simplicity.150 to 250 pounds (68 to 113 kilograms)
Bottom-Freezer RefrigeratorsSimilar to top-freezer models, but with the freezer at the bottom for more convenient access to fresh food.200 to 350 pounds (91 to 159 kilograms)
Side-by-Side RefrigeratorFeatures a vertical split, with the freezer on one side and the refrigerator on the other.250 to 400 pounds (113 to 181 kilograms)
French Door RefrigeratorCharacterized by double doors for the refrigerator compartment and a bottom freezer. Offers a spacious interior.300 to 400 pounds (136 to 282 kilograms)
Commercial or Industrial RefrigeratorsLarge, heavy-duty refrigerators used in businesses or restaurants, designed for high-capacity storage and durability.Hundreds to thousands of pounds

Factors that can affect the weight of a refrigerator

The weight of a refrigerator has no direct impact on its energy efficiency. The energy efficiency of a refrigerator is primarily determined by its design, components, insulation, and temperature-maintenance technology.

Insulation and sealing:

Heavier refrigerators often have thicker insulation and better sealing mechanisms to successfully preserve temperature. Because less heat may enter the fridge, the cooling system’s burden is reduced, which can contribute to increased energy efficiency.

The efficiency of the Compressor:

The compressor, which is in charge of cooling the refrigerator, is designed to operate ideally with the size and cooling requirements of the refrigerator. Larger, more efficient compressors may be used in heavier refrigerators to handle the cooling load efficiently.

Energy Level:

When purchasing a refrigerator, look for an Energy Star rating or other similar energy-efficiency certifications. These ratings are based totally on the energy consumption of the refrigerator in relation to its size and features, allowing you to find more energy-efficient models regardless of their weight. Additionally consider checking how many amps does a refrigerator use to further assess it’s energy efficiency.

In conclusion, how much does a refrigerator weigh, does not directly affect its energy efficiency, it can provide some indication of the quality of insulation and construction.

However, the best method to evaluate a refrigerator’s energy efficiency is to seek its energy rating and examine elements like size, technology, and features, all of which have a direct impact on how much energy it consumes.

Materials and Design:

Bigger refrigerators might be built with better stuff, which helps to better insulation and durability, potentially leading to superior long-term energy efficiency.  


Finally, how much does a refrigerator weigh, varies greatly based on its size, kind, features, and materials of construction. Standard residential refrigerators, such as top-freezer and bottom-freezer types, weigh between 150 and 400 pounds (65 and 180 kilograms).

It is essential to know how heavy a refrigerator is for different reasons. This includes planning when it will be delivered and set up and making sure the place you choose can hold its weight without any problems.

For refrigerator measurement check our article on how to measure a Refrigerator.


How much does an average refrigerator weigh?

The weight of an average refrigerator can vary on its type, size, type, and features which can change its weight. Most often, normal refrigerators found in homes can weigh around 150 to 400 pounds (65 and 180 kilograms). You need to look at the details of the exact model to get real weight facts.

How heavy is an American fridge?

American fridges, often known for their larger size and additional features, can be heavier compared to standard refrigerators. A usual American fridge, with things like doors next to each other and places for ice, could be from 250 to 600 pounds (113 -272 kilograms) in weight. This depends on how big it is and what extra parts are added.

How heavy is a fridge to move?

The weight of a fridge when moving can be a significant consideration. Normal big fridges, that can weigh about 200 to 350 pounds, need good thinking and tools for a safe shift. It’s a good idea to use straps  for movement, wheels, and if you can get help from people who move things all the time. This way your fridge will be taken care of without any harm done.

Is a fridge heavy?

Yes, refrigerators are considered heavy, especially full-size models. The weight is influenced by factors such as size, type, additional features, and construction materials. Tiny fridges can be about 40 to 100 pounds heavy, but bigger ones like American-style fridges for homes or business use might even weigh more than 600 pounds. Proper precautions and assistance are recommended when moving or installing a heavy refrigerator to avoid injuries and damage.

shahzoon naz

shahzoon naz

Shahzoon Naz is a freelance Content Writer. He spends most of his time in the kitchen, you will see him in the kitchen and every time cooking something new and tasty.

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