How To Clean Refrigerator- Easy Steps

how to clean refrigerator

Whenever I attempted to deep clean my refrigerator in the past, I always wondered why it was so difficult to clean.

All of my questions about how to clean refrigerator were answered the day I started searching the internet.

I compiled all that information and practically did it for you in one article. Let’s get started.

Table Of Contents:

  • How often should I clean my refrigerator?
  • How to clean refrigerator
  • Difference between regular and deep cleaning.
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ’s

How often should I clean my refrigerator?

Thorough cleaning to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the food, refrigerator cleaning should be done regularly. Here’s a rough rule of thumb for how often you should deep clean your refrigerator:

1. Every 3-4 months:

Every three to four months, a complete deep cleaning of your refrigerator is advised.

2. Seasonal Cleaning:

At the change of seasons, consider deep cleaning your refrigerator

3. Before Major Holidays or Events:

If you’re hosting a large holiday meal or celebration at your home, extensive cleaning is a fantastic idea.

4. As Needed:

In addition to regular deep cleaning, keep your fridge clean as needed

5. When Moving:

If you’re relocating, deep clean your refrigerator both before and after the move

How to clean refrigerator: Step BY Step:

Cleaning your refrigerator is critical for maintaining food safety and preventing odors. Here’s how to clean refrigerator step by step:

Materials Required:

 1. Dishwashing liquid or vinegar

2. Hot water

3. Sodium bicarbonate

4. Cloths or paper towels that are clean and dry

5. Scrub brush or sponge

6. A soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush

7. Garbage bag

8. Food storage containers (to store items that must be removed)

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Before you begin cleaning, gather all of the necessary materials.

Step 2: Disconnect or Empty the Fridge

Turn off the refrigerator or unhook it from the power supply. It’s best to remove any food items before performing a thorough cleaning. Place perishables in a cooler with ice packs to keep them chilled.

Step 3: Remove and clean the shelves and drawers

Remove any removable shelves, drawers, and other sections from the refrigerator. Warm, soapy water should be used to clean them. Rinse completely and pat dry with a clean cloth or air dry.

Step 4: Clean the Interior

Dampen a cloth or sponge in a mixture of warm water and smooth dish soap or vinegar (1-2 teaspoons soap or vinegar per gallon of water). Wipe the internal walls, ceiling, and back panel clean. Pay special attention to spills, stains, and any visible filth. For difficult-to-reach areas, use an old toothbrush or a soft-bristle brush.

Step 5: Remove and clean the door seals

Clean the rubber door seals (gaskets) thoroughly using a cloth or sponge. To avoid hurting them, be gentle, but be sure to remove any debris or food residue. For this, you can also use a mild soap solution.

Step 6: Wipe Down the Freezer Compartment

If your refrigerator has a freezer compartment, clean it similarly to the main compartment, including removing and cleaning any removable shelves or drawers.

Step 7: Examine the Drain Pan

A detachable drain pan is installed at the bottom of some refrigerators. Check to see whether yours does and, if so, clean it. If you can’t get it off, wipe it down with a clean towel.

Step 8: Deodorize the Refrigerator

Place an open package of baking soda on one of the shelves to reduce odors, or buy specialized refrigerator deodorizers.

Step 9: Install New Shelves and Drawers

Once everything is clean and dry, replace all of the shelves, drawers, and other items that were removed.

Step 10: Reconnect the Fridge

Reconnect the refrigerator to the electrical outlet or turn it back on. Allow it to cool to the temperature you choose before returning the food.

Step 11: Exterior Cleaning

Don’t forget to clean the outside of the fridge. With a clean, wet towel, wipe down the doorknob, doors, and any exposed surfaces.

Step 12: Remove Expired Items

Check for and discard any expired or spoiled goods before returning food to the refrigerator.

Difference between regular and deep cleaning.

After answering How to clean refrigerator, what’s the Difference between regular and deep cleaning?

AspectRegular Fridge CleaningDeep Fridge Cleaning
FrequencyThe frequency of occurrence is higher, usually happening every 1-2 weeks.The frequency is less frequent, usually occurring every 3-4 months.
PurposeMaintenance and upkeepFor Thorough cleaning and sanitation
Level of CleaningSuperficialDeep cleaning of all interior parts
StepsEnsuring cleanliness by wiping down spills and stains – Conducting regular checks to ensure there are no expired items – Efficiently organizing shelves and drawers to maintain orderThe process of thoroughly cleaning a refrigerator involves several important steps. – These include removing all food items, cleaning all interior surfaces, removing and cleaning shelves and drawers, checking for expired items, deodorizing, and cleaning the exterior. – Each of these steps ensures that the refrigerator is clean and ready to be used again.
Time and EffortQuick and relatively easyMore time-taking and hard to labor


Cleaning your refrigerator on a regular basis, ideally, every few months or as needed, will help maintain it fresh, odor-free, and in good functioning order.

Remember that keeping your refrigerator clean is important not only for food safety but also for energy efficiency. A clean refrigerator operates more effectively, which saves you money on energy expenses.

I hope I have covered all your questions regarding how to clean refrigerator.

Are you looking for a refrigerator for home use? Our helpful guide to the best undercounter refrigerator will help you find one.


1. How often should I clean my refrigerator?

A deep clean of your refrigerator is recommended every 3-4 months. To preserve cleanliness and food safety, you should also undertake frequent spot cleaning and organizing every 1-2 weeks.

2. Can I use bleach to clean the inside of my refrigerator?

Using bleach inside the refrigerator is typically not suggested since it can leave a strong odor that can impair food. Instead, for safe and effective cleaning, combine mild dish soap or vinegar with warm water.

3. How to get rid of refrigerator odors?

To get rid of odors, place an open box of baking soda or a specialized refrigerator deodorizer on one of the shelves. Furthermore, properly cleaning the interior and eliminating any spoiled or expired things might aid in the elimination of odors.

4. Do I need to unplug my refrigerator when cleaning it?

Unplugging the refrigerator is not required when performing basic cleaning or removing and cleaning shelves and drawers. To ensure safety, disconnect the fridge before performing a full clean that includes cleaning the coils or condenser.

shahzoon naz

shahzoon naz

Shahzoon Naz is a freelance Content Writer. He spends most of his time in the kitchen, you will see him in the kitchen and every time cooking something new and tasty.

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